Important Dates
Mar 15, 2022
Position artifacts due
MAR 20, 2022
Notifications sent
Apr 01, 2022
Camera-ready due
About HCI Across Borders
HCI Across Borders (HCIxB) is a community developed over five years through collaborative and interdisciplinary effort, focusing on connecting research and researchers on the margins across different parts of the world. It started as the consortium at CHI 2016, followed by workshops at CHI (2017-21). Through mentorship programs, we have also built bridges across diverse communities engaging in HCI research and impact-driven projects for development. Today, it has evolved into a shared initiative to foster cohesive community across geographies, backgrounds, methodologies, and other boundaries.
Theme: Navigating Shifting Borders at CHI
The HCIxB workshop at CHI 2022 will be a unique venue to showcase HCI-related work and initiatives from communities across geographies to a global audience. This workshop will focus on “Navigating Shifting Borders at CHI”. Borders here can refer to geographical boundaries, research interests, disciplines, methodologies, and more. We invite participants to share how historical and pandemic-related issues have shaped borders within their research, practice, or education. Participants can also share different strategies they have employed to navigate such borders. We hope to start a discussion to address challenges that we face as a group and as individuals. We welcome broad participation.
To participate, please submit a position paper (300-500 words, single column, PDF format preferred) and a single-page CV on HotCRP . This year, we are expanding our submissions to include artifacts such as videos, blogs, abstracts, or illustrations to express your perspectives on our theme.
Here are some questions applicants may want to consider answering in their submissions:
- How is your work informed by the social, political, or cultural conditions in which it is situated?
- What kind of problems (e.g., constraints, issues) have emerged in your work due to the recent shift in such conditions?
- How have these problems informed the borders around your work?
- How has the pandemic reshaped the borders of your work?
What kind of impact did it have on your work as you navigated these new borders? - How do you think attending HCIxB 2022 will be beneficial to recognize, articulate, and reimagine these borders?
In addition, please include your department, year of study (if student), organization, and a one-page curriculum vitae. Please take a look at previous years submissions for inspiration:
All submissions will be reviewed by our program committee, and their acceptance will be conditional on their potential to contribute to the HCIxB community and to foster discussion and growth among participants. Authors of accepted submissions will be invited to bring poster versions of their submissions at CHI. We will invite seasoned HCI researchers in relevant areas to provide rich feedback to workshop participants. A selection of accepted submissions will be invited to make short oral presentations. Please note that accepted submissions will not be indexed in the ACM DL but will be listed on the HCIxB website for participants to read before attending CHI.
There may be limited funding available for presenters of accepted submissions. Participants are also encouraged to apply for SIGCHI’s Gary Marsden Travel Awards. More information can be found here.
HCIxB will take place on Saturday, as a one-day Workshop. Our tentative schedule is below, though it is subject to change, and will be finalized after we have reviewed the submissions. All updates will be indicated here on website and our Twitter feed.
- 09:00 - 09:15: Welcome note from the committee
- 09:15 - 10:15: Introduction and position paper presentations
- 10:30 - 11:00: Panel/Keynote
- 11:00 - 11:45: Clustering and Discussion
- 11:00 - 11:45: Clustering and Discussion
- 12:00 - 13:00: Next Steps and Closing Remarks
- ANNU SIBLE PRABHAKAR, University of Cincinnati, USA
- CHRISTIAN STURM, Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences, Germany
- CUAUHTÉMOC RIVERA-LOAIZA, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, México
- DAVID NEMER, University of Virginia, USA
- DILRUKSHI GAMAGE, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
- DIPTO DAS, University of Colorado Boulder, USA
- FARIA NOOR, Bentley University, USA
- NAVEENA KARUSALA, University of Washington, USA
- NEHA KUMAR, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
- NAVEENA KARUSALA, University of Washington, USA
- RAMA ADITHYA VARANASI, Cornell University, USA
- SUSAN DRAY, Dray & Associates, USA
- VIKRAM KAMATH CANNANURE, Carnegie Mellon University, USA