HCI Across Borders and Sustainable Development Goals
Symposium at ACM SIGCHI 2020
Saturday, April 25th, 2020
Download all currently published papers in one zip file

HCI Across Borders@CHI 2019 in Glasgow
Important Dates
January 15: Early submissions due for those needing visa supportJanuary 31: Participant notifications sent for early submissionsFebruary 12: All submissions dueFebruary 24: NEW deadline for late submissionsMarch 1: Participant notifications sentMarch 31: Camera-ready versions dueApril 25: Symposium at CHI 2020
- Position paper (800-1000 words, single column, 1.5 line spacing,
Times New Roman, size 12 font, PDF format) - One-page curriculum vitae
- Submissions on hcixb20.hotcrp.com
About HCI Across Borders
The HCI Across Borders (HCIxB) symposium at CHI (initially held as the Development Consortium at CHI 2016, then as a symposium 2017-2019) has evolved into a critical collaborative effort to bring together researchers working in and across under-represented contexts around the world. Our mission has been to foster community across geographies, backgrounds, methodologies, and other borders. To achieve this, we have explored building bridges with the larger HCI community and creating concrete mentorship opportunities for supporting HCIxB researchers in publishing at impactful venues such as CHI.
Theme for 2020
For 2020, our focus is on the “Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)”. We invite submissions that follow the perspective “to conserve, to use, and to manage wisely” while tackling problems of international development. We encourage submissions with reflections on how this understanding might inform new opportunities in HCI research, design, and practice. Once again, we invite researchers and practitioners working across the globe, particularly those seeking to work across different borders, to participate in HCIxB 2020. As defined by our participants across the years, “borders” may entail national/geographical boundaries but also boundaries across diverse research interests, disciplines, methodologies, and more.
With the above in mind, we invite participants engaged in early-stage and mid-stage research projects, so that presenters can seek actionable feedback from other community members. Prospective participants are requested to submit a paper or an extended abstract that is 800-1,000 words long (single column, 1.5 line spacing, Times New Roman, size 12 font, PDF format) on hcixb20.hotcrp.com. This paper should clearly outline the views on the symposium theme and reason for interest, describing the underlying research. Submissions might identify how different facets of identity and forms of marginalization appear in their work, and discuss how looking at these intersections informs new, integrated questions. We have added a list of relevant readings on sustainable development goals, and work that operationalizes them and grounds them in research, design, practice, and policy (see our website). We hope these will serve as a good starting point for those less familiar with these concepts.
Example submissions might include, but are not limited to, the topics below:
- Education technology use by Latino immigrant parents in the United States
- Creation of e-mentorship opportunities to bridge the rural-urban divide in the United States
- Digitization of informal savings in Pakistan
- Introduction of medical chatbots to improve health-care delivery in Kenya
- Media reconstruction and archiving on Cambodian Facebook
- Community-led video education for digital financial services in India
Here are some questions applicants may want to consider answering in their submissions:
- Who are you? Please include your department, year of study, organization, etc.
- In what context are you working? What are the social, political, or cultural conditions there?
- What problems are you addressing? What solutions, if any, are you expecting to deliver?
- What are your project/intervention/research motivations, goals, and questions?
- What methods are you using/do you plan to use?
- What have you found thus far?
- What is novel or innovative in your approach? How does it stand apart from similar ones in the HCI world?
- How does your work align with existing work in HCI, and in particular sub-fields of HCI?
- What is the status of your project? What are the challenges and obstacles you have found?
- What are the expected contributions of your work?
- Which SDG are you working on? How do you engage with HCI to address this challenge?
- How do you think attending HCIxB 2020 will be beneficial to your work?
In addition, please include a 1-page curriculum vitae. If you need a visa support letter, please email admin@hcixb.org with proof that your submission was accepted.
For examples of accepted submissions in previous years, please see:
- 2019: http://bit.ly/hcixb/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/hcixb19-examples.zip
- 2018: http://bit.ly/hcixb/past-events/chi2018/participants/
- 2017: http://bit.ly/hcixb/past-events/2017-2/accepted-papers-authors/
- 2016: https://hci4dacrossborders.wordpress.com/
All submissions will be reviewed by our program committee, and their acceptance will be conditional on their potential to contribute to the HCIxB community and to foster discussion and growth among participants. Authors of accepted submissions will be invited to bring poster versions of their submissions at CHI. We will invite seasoned HCI researchers in relevant areas to provide rich feedback to symposium participants. A selection of accepted submissions will be invited to make short oral presentations.
For those who require a visa support letter to attend, the deadline is Tuesday, January 15, 2020. We will aim to send notifications for these by January 31, 2020. For all others, the deadline will be Tuesday, February 12. Notifications will be sent by Friday, March 1, confirming the list of oral/poster presenters, and all camera-ready versions will be due on Sunday, March 31. Please note that accepted submissions will not be indexed in the ACM DL but will be listed on the HCIxB website for participants to read before attending CHI. Through March and April, we will publish submissions as blog posts (on https://medium.com/hccxb). Please check http://www.hcixb.org for relevant information, and email admin@hcixb.org with questions.
HCIxB will take place on Saturday, April 25, 2020 as a one-day symposium. Our tentative schedule is below, and will be finalized after we have reviewed the submissions. All updates will be indicated on our website (http://www.hcixb.org).
09:00 – 10:30: Welcome and Poster Session
10:30 – 11:00: Break
11:00 – 12:30: Presentations
12:30 – 14:00: Lunch
14:00 – 15:30: Clustering and Discussion
15:30 – 16:00: Break
16:00 – 17:00: Next Steps and Closing Remarks
We will aim to obtain funding to pay travel expenses (or at least a portion thereof) for attendees in need, though we should clarify beforehand that this is going to be a challenge this year. Please know that there are multiple options for obtaining financial support, and it is up to you to apply once you have an accepted submission. Below is a shortlist of options:
Gary Marsden Student Development Fund, https://sigchi.org/2017/08/gary-marsden-student-development-fund-now-opens-to-all-hci-relevant-conferences-and-sigchi-sponsored-summerwinter-schools/
SIGCHI Development Fund, https://sigchi.org/resources/sigchi-development-fund/
Become a Student Volunteer, https://chi2020.acm.org/for-attendees/student-volunteering/
Lastly, CHI is a premier conference in HCI and your institute might have allocated funds for student travel.
(in alphabetical order)
- Annu Sible Prabhakar, University of Cincinnati (USA)
- Dina Sabie, University of Toronto (Canada)
- Dilrukshi Gamage, University of Moratuwa, (Sri Lanka)
- Christian Sturm, Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences (Germany)
- Cuauhtémoc Rivera Loaiza, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo (Mexico)
- Mario A Moreno Rocha, University of St Andrews (UK)
- Moinuddin Bhuiyan, Grameenphone Ltd. (Bangladesh)
- Neha Kumar, Georgia Tech (USA)
- Vikram Kamath Cannanure, Carnegie Mellon University (USA)
- For updates, please check http://www.hcixb.org
- Email us your questions at admin@hcixb.org